Support Choices Pregnancy Center through our DIGITAL Fundraiser! Our goal is to raise $3000. CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW to give online or write a check out to Choices Pregnancy Center and put it in the Offering boxes. Let's do our part to support LIFE in Arizona!

Visit our new Children's building!
We are thrilled to invite you this weekend to our new Children's Building! Our kiddos are of utmost priority to us as they are to Jesus. As our kids ministry continued to grow, we decided to move forward and build a space suitable for them to be able to grow, learn about the Lord, and build friendships through each stage of childhood.
Nursery & Pre-K: Check-in downstairs in Children's Building
1st-6th grade: Check-in to Harbor in River Building
*Saturdays: All ages in Children's Building downstairs
Nursery & Pre-K: Check-in downstairs in Children's Building
1st-6th grade: Check-in to Harbor in River Building
*Saturdays: All ages in Children's Building downstairs

Join us to hear the Word of the Lord each and every week through Holy Spirit inspired worship and Biblical teaching from the pulpit. If you are not able to join us in person or would like to go back to a past sermon join us online!