DivorceCare is a 14 week support group that helps you heal from the pain of separation or divorce.

DIVORCE CARE | support group
DivorceCare is a 14-week support group that helps you heal from the pain of separation or divorce. The experience involves three main components designed to help in that healing.
Video seminar
• 30-minute video
• Practical advice and insights from divorce recovery experts
• Real-life stories from people who have been where you are
Focused support group
• Discussing what you learned from the video
• Talking about how to apply it
• Sharing how each group member is doing
Participant guide
Exercises and articles for recovery and personal growth
Parenting tips
Practical tools to help you heal
Our next class starts August 14th at 7pm. Cost is $20 for the workbook.
Questions? Contact Linda + David at divorcecare@2riverschurch.org.
Video seminar
• 30-minute video
• Practical advice and insights from divorce recovery experts
• Real-life stories from people who have been where you are
Focused support group
• Discussing what you learned from the video
• Talking about how to apply it
• Sharing how each group member is doing
Participant guide
Exercises and articles for recovery and personal growth
Parenting tips
Practical tools to help you heal
Our next class starts August 14th at 7pm. Cost is $20 for the workbook.
Questions? Contact Linda + David at divorcecare@2riverschurch.org.

When you are grieving the loss of a marriage, the holiday season can be especially painful. Our Divorce Care - Surviving the Holidays Seminar will help you with the challenges of getting through this period of loss. Divorce is a form of death; the death of a relationship, the death of a union, and the death of a family unit that is now split apart.
This seminar will help you discover:
Light refreshments will be provided.
The cost for this event is $5.00 to cover the cost of the handbook.
This seminar will help you discover:
- How to deal with those painful emotions
- What to do about traditions especially when you have children
- Helpful tips for surviving social events
- How to find hope for the future
Light refreshments will be provided.
The cost for this event is $5.00 to cover the cost of the handbook.