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"You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others."
 2 Timothy 2:2 NLT


Bologna Bible Beats | Check out this YouTube Channel for help memorizing Scripture through music.

Discipleship Foundations Videos | Scan the QR codes in your Discipleship Foundations Book to access helpful videos to learn the content. You can also access the Youtube Playlist here.

Personal Testimony Worksheet | This helpful worksheet will guide you through the process of crafting a 3 minute salvation testimony to help prepare you to share the Gospel.

Right Now Media | Two Rivers is happy to provide each one of our members access to Right Now Media which provides each person a streaming library of more that 20,000 Bible Study Videos. You can also access our discipleship foundations videos through Right Now Media.

Scripture Memory App | Learning Scripture with old-fashioned notecards works for some but we encourage the use of the Bible Memory App. Make sure to join our group - we have all the verses preloaded in.


Are You Listening | Written by Pastor Kevin Bird, this handout walks you through practical steps to grow in your ability to listening and communicate with others.

The Believer | Available on Right Now Media or on Jim Cymbala's Website, this 30-part series walks you through the basics of the Christian faith in a short video format. A downloadable guide is also available.

Faith Man | 2 Tim 2:2 says that we are to teach the Gospel to faithful (or trustworthy) men and women and teach it to others also. Download Pastor Jessica's Notes on what it means to be a faithful person here. Listen to Pastor Tom's sermon series on the Faith Man here.

Holy Spirit and You | Would you like to learn more about the Holy Spirit including being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues? Check out our class here. Purchase the book Holy Spirit and You here.

Learning the Art of Empathy | Empathy is an art that requires imagination, intention, and purpose. Download this handout,  written by Pastor Kevin Bird, and learn how to love others better. 


"Writing is how we think our way into a subject and make it our own. Writing enables us to find out what we know - and what we don't know - about what we are trying to learn (William Kinsser)."

OICA Overview | Needing for help learning how to complete your OICA (Observation | Interpretation | Correlations | Application)? This helpful video from Pastor Tom takes you through the process step by step.

Importance of Observations | Download The Student, The Fish, and Agassiz to learn about why making observations is so important.

Finding Correlations | Open Bible has a great resource for helping you find correlations. The interface is about as bare-bones as it gets but there’s a list of cross references for a single Bible verse, sorted by relevance.

Blank OICA Pages | Download additional OICA pages to do with all your Scripture study. You can also pick up a bound OICA notebook in the front office for $5.

Fillable OICA Page | Prefer to complete your OICA page electronically? Download this resource.  

Bedrock Workbook | Download the workbook for our Bedrock class which covers the Essential Assurances of our Faith (5 verses) with a detailed walk-through to help you learn how to complete OICA. 

living the new life (pack a) resources

Practice Wheel Worksheet |  Looking for additional blank copies of the wheel for practice? Download here.

Spiritual Health Assessment | Download this worksheet for self-reflection on how your life is reflecting the principles taught in the Wheel Illustration.

Self- Reflection Questions | Download a list of questions from John Wesley to consider areas of potential growth in your Christian life.  

Prayer | Are you struggling to cultivate a strong and powerful prayer life? Check out this class on Prayer from Pastor Beverly.

PROCLAIMING CHRIST (pack B) resources

Practice Bridge Worksheets |  Looking for additional blank copies of the bridge for practice? Download here.

Bridge Transition Walk Through | This resource is a helpful guide to walk you through how to conversationally share the Gospel using the Bridge Illustration.

Bridge Fill in the Blank Worksheet | Download this worksheet as a way to practice the Bridge. With two quiz options, this worksheet follows the flow of the Bridge but leaves every other point blank. This is a great exercise for those struggling with recall! 


Do you have questions about Discipleship? Contact Pastor Jessica today.