OICA Overview | Needing for help learning how to complete your OICA (Observation | Interpretation | Correlations | Application)? This helpful
video from Pastor Tom takes you through the process step by step.
Importance of Observations | Download The Student, The Fish, and Agassiz to learn about why making observations is so important.
Finding Correlations | Open Bible has a great resource for helping you find correlations. The interface is about as bare-bones as it gets but there’s a list of cross references for a single Bible verse, sorted by relevance.
Blank OICA Pages | Download additional OICA pages to do with all your Scripture study. You can also pick up a bound OICA notebook in the front office for $5.
Fillable OICA Page | Prefer to complete your OICA page electronically? Download this
Bedrock Workbook | Download the workbook for our Bedrock class which covers the Essential Assurances of our Faith (5 verses) with a detailed walk-through to help you learn how to complete OICA.