"For bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come."

1 Timothy 4:8

chili cook off

march 22nd & 23rd

Do you think you have a winning recipe? Signup below to compete! The competition is open to men and women alike. Contestants should bring their chili dish in a CrockPot/slow cooker on their way to church service and drop it off on the patio.
We will have tables set up with plugins to keep your chili hot during service. Shredded cheese, crackers, and onions are provided as condiments. Contestants eat free, drink included.

If you beat them all, you win your choice of either a $50 Amazon Gift Card or a $50 partial Men's Summit Scholarship!!! This competition is open to men and women alike!


"For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” Matthew 18:20

Join us each Wednesday at 6am for prayer.  Meet together as brothers in Christ to surrender each worry to Him. We will pray for and encourage one another. Stick around after prayer to eat breakfast together for just $5 bucks!


Faith • Food • Fire

Come out on every 3rd Wednesday each month (Oct-May) at 6:30pm.  We'll hang out by the bonfire pit to eat and fellowship. Fire pit located on the East side of the campus parking lot.


Experiencing Power In Christ

The Men’s E.P.I.C. Event (Experiencing Power in Christ) is a great time for men to receive a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit and experience a spiritual encounter. We will gather on Saturday morning to worship, pray and experience God in fresh ways. It's a time to recharge your spirit and enjoy spiritual fellowship with other men of 2RC.  Breakfast is optional for a suggested donation towards Mens Summit.